The complete 10 video training plus a bonus can be purchased below for $3,150. This will help you quickly ramp up your knowledge to push back on wasteful local government spending.

Hi, I'm Paul Dorr and appreciate your considering the purchase of my course.

I used to have interest in a community bank and have years in political consulting at the local level helping nearly 80 clients in nine statement to stop $4,000,000,000 in new property taxes. My best reference comes from my opponents.

Don E. Lifto, Springsted Vice President and Client Representative, spoke at the Minnesota Association of School Administrators / Minnesota Administrators for Special Education (MASA/MASE) Spring Conference on March 16, 2006. His topic was “School Finance Election & the Paul Dorr Factor: Get Ready or Get Defeated.”  

— Baker Tilly, St. Paul, MN

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